Michael Rice
Composer - Arranger - Musical Director - Pianist
Music and lyrics by Michael Rice. Book by Cliff Baker, Hank Bates, Kent Brown, Jack Heifner, Romulus Linney, and Mary Rohde Scudday. A musical focusing on a Miss Delta Queen Beauty Pageant set in Arkansas. For 7 women. Dramatic Publishers.
The Good Woman of Setzuan (Musical)
Music and lyrics by Michael Rice, Book by Bertolt Brecht/Eric Bentley. Originally produced at the Arkansas Rep, 1985. Samuel French.
Fireflies and Shooting Stars (Book and Musical in progress)
A children's book by author Ed Raarup. Inspired by Rice's song, Fireflies and Shooting Stars. Currently in development as a film musical.
Albums by Klea Blackhurst (Arranger and Conductor)
1. Everything The Traffic Will Allow : The Songs and Sass of Ethel Merman
2. Autumn in New York: Vernon Duke's Broadway
During Wind and Rain (A Musical Drama in Onc Act)
Premiered April 19-23, 2017 at the Argenta Community Theater in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
(Music by Michael Rice, Libretto by Margaret Bolsterli. A one- act opera set in the early 1900's in Desha County, Arkansas. The birthplace of both Rice and Bolsterli. Directed by Judy Trice.)